SAFP advocacy for gender inclusive governance A solution towards gender inclusive governance

International Land Coalition

SAFP conceptualization of the gender resource gap Land right for women planning inclusion to address GRG December 2013

SAFP presentation on sustainable development zone at the world bank land conference, Washington WB paper march 20,

Women and democratic management of peace and resources, Palestinian Women and Land Right , a paper presented at Ramallah
- SAFP technical presentation on Safegaurding
- Women Labor Force Participation Gap by S Bhardwaj
- SAFP Assam Child Rights Advocacy Strategy
- SAFP initiative with CDT and JUS LYN Online Brochure ,
- SAFP contribution for Ekta Parishad’s regional advocacy work at AGNOC conference in Combodia Land Rights Human Rights,
- Summary of SAFP dalit women’s resource gap dalit study smmry ,
- Dalit women’s resource gaps a summary of key finding in Hindi सारांश
SAFP Training

SAFP training manual for DACAAR Afghanistan Sector Wide Gender Mainstream upload
- An example of training of Gender water budgeting Parmarth hindi flyer
- An introduction to SAFP action agenda safp MH and WE brochure.htm
As member of National Alliance of Labor Rights:

SAFP contributes to a quarterly magazine shramik duniya final , Shramik Duniya 2013 (2) and to organize meetings for advocacy on migration issues and well being of unorganised sector workers NALR presentation on migrant workers

SAFP advocacy on waste workers SAFP AIKMM comment to MoU
As a member of CWLR SAFP undertakes advocacy

Advocacy for gender urban plan PM letter of Advocacy for Ajalaa Note August 5 a concept developed in partnerships with Urbanscape and JWP

Women Resource Zone in a rural area Next steps for Rural wrz september 14 2013

SAFP evaluation and documentation of the work of TAAL, Bhopal Taal report sept 30
- Advocacy at events The Constructive Discourse on Gender Equality

Brochure on sustainable development zone concept SDGEZ