Consult For Women and Land Rights


The Consult For Women and Land Rights (CWLR)  is a global forum of local national and international NGO’s and Networks, lobbying and advocating for policies, law reform, programs and administrative mechanisms to increase resource base for including land rights of the poor, disadvantaged and vulnerable women. CWLR was set up in 2004 as an informal nongovernmental, independent non registered forum to impact the outcome from Beijing +10. Since then it lobbied for women and rights at 120 local, national events and international events like NAM summit, MDG summit and ICARRD. The CWLR secretariat was coordinated by SAFP until 2016.


Developing district and state level campaigns on women’s housing and land and resource rights, food sovereignty and livelihood security for national and international level mechanisms to promote women and land rights.

Implementation Strategy

Through a multi-level and multi-prong approach, develop local, district, state and community-level campaigns on women’s housing and land and resource rights, food sovereignty and livelihood security for national and international level mechanisms to promote women and land rights. Lobby on state level issues emerging out of the local level and link it with the Central government bodies like Planning Commission and National Commission for Women to include women’s land and resource rights implementation in the government planning and associated policy change at the national level.

Outcomes of a decade of work (2004-2014)

  1. Created action groups in different countries on women and land rights after discussion with women’s groups and housing and land rights groups that impacted government policy and programming on the issue.
  2. Lobbying with movements, researchers and NGO’s was done to develop priority areas.
  3. Built awareness of community women such that they claim their rights.
  4. Government authorities and institutions changed policies and programmes from the point of women’s right to land based resources.

Plan Ahead ( 2015-2025)

  1. CWLR members will work together to develop the constituencies on women and resource increase .
  2. Independent work and work in partnerships with each other shall be reported once in two years such that CWLR can plan priorities  for the next two years.