Author: Dr. Shivani Bhardwaj
Advocacy for Women Entrepreneur’s Council India 2018
WECI Submission to MWCD
Annual Report 2017
SAFP annual report 2017-2018
Marginalized Dalit community negotiates relocation ILC report, 2016.
Dalits living on the banks of a river in Village Semra UP,India, had their homes and field washed away in flood waters. With the help of ILC member SDF they were able to claim land after displacement. SAFP documented this struggle to bring out nuances and the issues around displacement due to river floods.
Activating the National Human Rights Commission to secure land and homes for Muhasar people. ILC 2016
ilc_case_study_0036_-_india_en The Social Development Foundation (SDF) sent a petition to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India to solicit food and housing rights for the Muhasars, one of the poorest Scheduled Castes (SCs) in Udayapura village, Uttar Pradesh. Thanks to continuous advocacy during four years, the district administration’s attitude changed. Not only land for…
IFAD Consultancy Case Study by S Kotnala Landless farmers turn wasteland 2016
425 landless farmers turned wasteland into into cultivable land in Telengana, Andhra Pradesh In India. Sunita Gupta Kotnalla documents this struggle for ILC and SDPPA in 2016 In 20 years, 425 poor landless tenant farmers in the villages of Telangana State, India, transformed 1400 acres of infertile and idle wasteland into cultivable land using dryland…
Sathi All For Partnerships
SAFP promotes partnerships to develop a locally articulate rights and responsibilities culture. SAFP initiatives engage with people who want to work towards creating sustainable solutions to issues that affect them. We have worked with youth, women, children, elderly and those recovering from mental illness. We believe that each person has the power to change their…
SAFP Text for Inclusion in all political parties manifestos
Work of SAFP has been consistently been to research with our stake holders and organize consultations to share findings. These consultants debate and deliberate options that need to be taken on by law and policy makers to bring social transformation in our social fabric. Please read and circulate the attached text to your local and…
Towards rural women’s resource zone in Shivpuri Madhya Pradesh. Report by SET team
Co authored by SET (SAFP, EqualSaree and TAAL) with support from Swiss Aid, Compiled by Shivani Bhardwaj edited by Sunita Gupta Kotnala Summary The draft land policy talks about rural land use plan that should be made with gender equal resource distribution. This can be done by planning livelihoods for different communities in an alternate way…
Understanding Interstitial Spaces to fill gender resource gaps
This article was presented at a seminar called Karvan I Fikqr organised by Department of Sociology Jamia Milllia Islamia (JMI)University in 2012. Student co traveler from Architecture Department of JMI Ms Sana Fatma presented this paper on behalf of SAFP and Equal Saree representing the youth for women and habitat campaign ownership of the process.…